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GPIO 90 Degree i2c OLED Angle Bracket

A Raspberry Pi GPIO compatible multiplatform 90° OLED bracket for i2c OLED Displays.


Fig 1: 3D Render of the Raspberry Pi GPIO compatible multiplatform 90° OLED anlge bracket

The angle bracket allows to easily mount a i2c OLED display onto a Raspberry Pi compatible GPIO. It has been tested with the following boards:

The 90° angle makes it easy to connect

  • Ground (GND) - GPIO pin 6
  • VCC (3V Power) - GPIO pin 1
  • SCL1 I2C- GPIO pin 5
  • SDA1 I2C - GPIO pin 3

of a compatible 128x32 OLED display with the following pin order (top to bottom):

  • SDA
  • SCL
  • VCC
  • GND

Collage 0: Various Pictures of the Raspberry Pi GPIO compatible multiplatform 90° angle I2C OLED bracket